Hard work is child’s play

Drop-Off and Pick-Up Procedures

by | Aug 9, 2022 | Campus Updates, Staff

Campus is buzzing as we prepare to welcome families to the 2022-23 school year at Escuela del Sol Montessori. In the Spring, we were delighted to welcome parents back onto campus for our first in-person gathering since 2019. This year, we look forward to having parents on campus for gatherings, and to pick up your children at the end of their day!

Please review the updated arrival and dismissal processes below carefully, share it with anyone who will be dropping off or picking up your children, and contact the office if you have any questions.

Student Drop-Off

The Assisted Arrival (drop-off) process remains largely the same as last school year. A detailed description of Assisted Arrival can be found in our Covid Operating Plan (page 13). Please refer to our Drop-Off Orientation video to help you and your children navigate the arrival process.

Drop-Off Key Points:

  • Arrival for the school day runs from 8:00-8:30 a.m.

    • Drop-Off Locations:

      • South Lot for Early Childhood students

      • Front of Harwood for Elementary students

      • Jr. High House for Jr. High students

  • If you arrive after 8:30 a.m., please park in the South Lot and call the office (505-242-3033). We will meet you at the Blue Gate to sign in your child and walk them to their classroom.

  • For campus safety and to ensure all students are properly signed in, all student arrivals must be facilitated by the office.

  • Families whose children are enrolled in Early Care will receive additional instructions about early drop-off.

Submitting a daily Health Screening form is no longer required. Should it become necessary, we will reinstate this requirement. No one – child, parent, or staff – should come on campus if they are experiencing any of the symptoms listed in the Family Handbook (page 8).

Student Pick-Up:

Through the summer, we tried out a new pick-up process and will be implementing it (with some modifications) for the upcoming school year. Families will be allowed to come onto campus to retrieve their students:

  • Toddler, Primary, and Elementary families are welcome to enter through the Blue Gate (code: 1968#) and walk to the space outside their children’s classroom for pick up from 12:15-12:30 p.m. (for Early Childhood) and from 3:00-3:20 p.m. (all levels).

  • Children not enrolled in Extended Day or Art & Sol will be in the Plaza with a member of the admin team at 3:20 p.m. for pick-up.

Pick-Up Location Details:

  • Toddlers can be picked up just outside their playground. A Guide will walk your child and their belongings to you at the playground gate.

  • Primary students can be picked up outside their classroom. A student “greeter” will be ready to meet you and let your child know that it is their time to leave. Thank you for your patience as they practice this important job.

  • All Junior El students can be picked up from the porch on the south side of Junior El. We’ll orient you to this space when you come for Classroom Visits on Thursday, August 11. A student greeter will be there to meet you and will let your child know it’s time to go. For Junior El students, this is a coveted job, and a wonderful opportunity to practice Grace & Courtesy and keep track of information.

  • Senior El students can be picked up from the hallway outside Senior El. A greeter will meet you just outside the classroom and will let their classmates know when their rides are here.

  • Jr. High students will be dropped off and picked up at the Jr. High House.

Students enrolled in Extended Day can be picked up between 3:45-5:00 p.m. from the Toddler playground, Primary White Room, or Junior Elementary East.

If picking up a child for an appointment:

  • Notify the office and Classroom Guide in advance (24 hours if possible).

  • Enter campus through the Blue Gate and walk to the child’s classroom.

  • Check in with a Classroom Guide so they can sign the student out. If you plan to bring your child back to school after the appointment, make sure a Guide is aware of their return time.

  • When you return, park in the South Lot and call the office (505-242-3033). We will meet you at the Blue Gate to sign your child in and walk them to their classroom.

With your partnership, we look forward to safely connecting on campus.