Hard work is child’s play

Red Room – Hand, Foot, and Mouth

by | Sep 21, 2022 | Community Health Updates

Red Room – Hand, Foot, and Mouth

There has been a confirmed case of Hand, Foot, and Mouth (also known as Coxsackie) in the Red Room. The student was last on campus on Monday, September 19. Because this illness has been identified in the classroom, we recommend consulting a medical professional if you notice any symptoms. As stated in our Family Handbook and Covid Operating Plan, your child should be kept home if they are experiencing fever or any symptom of greater intensity or frequency than what is normally experienced. Before children can return to school following illness, they must meet the following criteria:

  • Fever and symptom-free without the use of symptom-reducing medications for at least 24 hours

Symptoms of Hand, Foot, and Mouth include sores in the mouth and a rash on the hands and feet (most identifiable). fever, sore throat, feeling unwell, irritability, and loss of appetite may also be present.

If your child will be missing school, please remember to fill out the Student Absence Form.

Contact the office if you have any questions.