Hard work is child’s play

Sign Up for Parent-Teacher Conferences

Parent-Teacher Conferences are just around the corner, Nov. 2 –3 (please note conferences are on Monday/Tuesday this year). No childcare will be available as all conferences are taking place via Zoom to adhere to our Covid-safe practices. Your child(ren)’s teacher(s) will email a Zoom link prior to your conference. 

To schedule a conference online please follow these steps: Visit our online scheduler.  Choose which classroom your child is in. Choose the “Provider” of the conference. There’s only one provider per conference, so you can’t choose incorrectly (This is just an extra step that helps us stay organized.) Select the time and day of the session you’d like to attend. Input your contact information. Please make sure you list the best email to send your Zoom link. Click “Book My Class” to confirm!  You should see a confirmation message appear, and you’re all set! If you need to book for another student in the same or a different class, click “Book Another Appointment” and repeat from step 2. If you’re booking for more than one child in the same classroom, it may be helpful to include their names in the “Comments” section when you input the rest of your contact information. Each child should have their own conference time, regardless of if they have siblings in the same classroom.

Help us avoid double booking of conferences for the same student!

If you have any problems using this service or need to change your conference time after you’ve booked one, please email the Office