Hard work is child’s play

Snow Delay and Closure Policy

by | Feb 18, 2021 | Polices and Procedures

Snow Delay and Closure Policy

Escuela del Sol Montessori follows APS decisions regarding delays and closures. If APS is closed or on an abbreviated schedule due to severe weather or poor driving conditions, Escuela will follow suit.

If APS is on a 2-hour delay, all classes (Toddler, Primary, Elementary, Junior High) will begin at 10:30 a.m. There will be no early morning childcare on days when a delay has been announced. Do not arrive before 10:00 a.m., as there will be no teachers on campus before this time. In the event of a snowstorm during the day it may be necessary to close early.

We will utilize our emergency text messaging alert system to contact families regarding weather updates as well as utilizing email, local news channels, and Instagram.


-Updated February 2023-